Beloved in Christ,
I'm not really sure how I want to start my newsletter columns. In the past I chose a topic and just started off with that. It seems good to just start
with what I am thinking about as I begin my third year with you all. There is much on my mind and heart for us.
First off, I have never been in a congregation that has such love for their community. Many of you either volunteer or support, through the giving of your abundance, many social services and conservations efforts for this island. I must admit I have not found this level of commitment in any other church I have been a part of.
Another thing we do incredibly well here at St. Stephen’s is education. We have a first-rate Adult Forum hour, or rather three-quarters hour, that
produces topical information about our local community and its needs as well as theological insights and Biblical revelations. We are blessed to have the scholars and subject matter experts with us in our congregation.
It goes without saying, but I’m typing it anyway, we are also a warm and welcoming community. While I was wandering about writing my sermon for
last week, I came up on something I think that fits here. It was written by Pastor Chuck Hazlett who served Custer Lutheran Fellowship, ELCA, from
1978-1998. I know it is something that we can agree with and strive to do in our city of Oak Harbor. It can be found on the web at:
As we move closer to the opening of our stewardship campaign, I urge you all to take a moment and give thanks to God for the gifts each of you have. And I want you to think about the gifts you give, not only to our community of St. Stephen’s but the greater community of Whidbey. This year while we give out of our abundance of time, our abundance of talent, and our abundance of treasure, I want to help each of you. I have noticed that all of you give and give and give of yourselves. I want to give you a place where you can go and be fed.
Our Sundays are a place where we come together to worship God, hear the Word and words, of God, to be instructed, and enjoy one another in
fellowship. All too often we forget about taking time for prayer and meditation. Jesus often went to the mountain to pray. I want to give us a time for quiet prayer and meditation. I want to give us a time when we can come together as a community to pray for St. Stephen's and our community.
Starting September 25 at 7pm, we will take 30 minutes to pray for St. Stephen's and our community.
It will be online at:
The link will take you to a webpage where you can join the meeting. The newsletter will contain more information about how to join using a phone. I
will continue to give you a place Wednesdays at noon to pray for healing and to come for healing prayer. This is my first offering to you all. Thirty minutes of prayer at mid-day. Wednesday evening prayer is my second offering. Other times for prayer and meditation will be suggested throughout the year.
I am looking forward to seeing you at these special times as you are able to join. As always, each of you are in my prayers.